Why You Should Become a Thief

Pablo Picasso once said that good artists copy, but great artists steal. Herein lies the biggest shortcut to achieving success in life. We'll dive deeper into this topic today.

PSA: High School Is OVER!

It’s hilariously awful how badly school prepares kids for the real world.

Most of the school mentality is not applicable to life.

Today, we’ll cover the idea of copying someone’s homework.

School cares about how you got your answer. If you copied it from the smart kid, you “didn’t learn”. In life however, the thing that matters most is getting the right answer. Copying someone else’s answer is the quickest and surest way to achieve your goals!

You should become a thief of great answers!

(Sidenote: If you actually ARE in high school, this lesson will still give you a great edge over everyone else! Just don’t apply what you’re learning here to your schoolwork, ‘kay?)

You’re NOT a Unique Little Snowflake!

Before I tell you how to cheat in life and WIN, let’s get something clear:

You’re not special!

Neither am I for that matter.

Obviously, I don’t personally know you, but what I do know is this:

You’re not the only one who has it rough, many others are coming from tough(er) situations than you’re in. Many others share the same limiting beliefs, insecurities, but also dreams, goals and ambitions. Others have been in the same position you’re in now, and many others will get into the same position at some point.

And that’s the best f*cking news ever!

Because nobody is special, a universal law applies:

Similar actions get similar results.

Like I said, other people have already achieved the goals you have right now.

And many of them will have been in worse positions than you are in!


The fact that other people have already done it means that YOU can do it as well! Better yet, other people have already figured it out! Just like the smart kid having all the right answers in class, these people have already done their homework on achieving your goal!

There’s just one question I like to ask:

Are you an absolute dumfuq?

The stupidest thing you could possibly do is try to reinvent the wheel.

Be a thief and steal the correct answer right away!

Who, Not What

Most people ask the question “What do I do to achieve my goal?”.

Wrong question to ask!

Instead, what I would urge you to ask is:

“Who has already achieved the goal that I want to achieve?”

Best case scenario, you have someone close to you who can show you the way. If you want to get in shape and know someone who’s ripped, ASK him! Don’t try to figure out the diet and exercise routines yourself, follow the same steps he did.

And you will get similar results.

Don’t have anyone close to you?

In that case, you can go to this small, little known website.

It’s called Google.

The Office Sarcasm GIF

For 99.999999% of possible goals you could have, other people have already done it and likely documented the journey. A simple Google search is all it takes to find people to model. Or you can go to YouTube as well of course.

Find the “who” for your goal and the “what” will be taken care of!

Congratulations, you now have a proven plan to achieve your goal.

A Word of Warning

There are two common pitfalls to this approach:

When you do your search, you’ll likely find people who are 18 steps ahead of you. Don’t copy what they’re doing! That would be like bringing a 6th year’s latest test answers to an exam in freshman year.

You’d be stealing the wrong answer.

Obviously, someone that’s at a different stage of their journey, will need to do different things. So instead of copying them outright, you want to look for what they DID when they were at the same stage you are in right now.

The second pitfall is that different people have different solutions.

Let’s say losing weight is your goal.

You could try dozens of different diets, lots of exercise routines and a gazillion other activities. And all of them could work. The problem is finding something that will work for YOU specifically.

Maybe you detest running, but swimming or cycling would be a great match.

Perhaps you have enough sense to avoid a vegan diet like the plague, but there are many other options.

What it comes down to is this:

The answers are out there for you to copy, that’s not the issue. The variable is YOU. So when you do your research, look at multiple people who have already achieved your goal. Evaluate their approaches and then pick the one you think will suit you the most.

Avoid those two pitfalls and you’re golden!

Just take Pablo Picasso’s advice:

Steal your methods from those who have already succeeded before you!

Audio Lesson: Legos, Goals and Timeframes

Impatience has cost me dearly… At the time I went bankrupt and a few thousand into debt, because I gave up too soon! My life at the time pretty much fell apart.

To prevent this from happening to you, listen to today’s audio lesson:

4 Life-Changing Lessons From Dark Souls

There’s much that video games can teach us about real life.

In this recent video, I break down 4 life lessons that I picked up from the video game Dark Souls. If you can apply the same mindset of playing a video game to your goals, you will WIN at life, big time!

Finding Your Who

Today we talked about stealing the path to success instead of reinventing the wheel.

It’s about finding who has already achieved your goal and copying them.

There are a few ways in which you can do this, which I’ll list here in order from best to worst. The general rule is that the closer you can get to the person or people that have already succeeded, the better.

  1. If you know somebody who has already achieved your desired outcome, ask them about it. If it’s someone close to you, there shouldn’t really be an issue with getting them to share the steps with you. If possible, see if you can follow along with them.

  2. Try to find someone locally who can guide you. Having someone that you can ask specific questions to and get custom feedback from is invaluable. Since you don’t know them personally, you might have to pay for mentorship or work out some other sort of deal.

    For example: If you wanted to be a graphic designer, you could search for the best agencies in your city and ask to work for them (potentially for free).

  3. Try and find a mentor online. You could look on social media as well as through Google. For this to work, you’ll have to cold DM or email a ton of people. Be ready for most of them to say no. However, you only need 1 person to say yes. Again, you might have to pay or work out some other arrangement.

    Pro tip: When messaging someone, ask a specific question rather than ask for them to mentor you. Apply what they tell you and share the results. It shows you take action and most people like helping others if they can.

  4. If you can’t find someone to learn from directly, your next best bet is to use Google/YouTube to find people. You’re looking for people that haven’t just achieved it, but that also share their lessons so that you can follow in their footsteps.

    When you find someone that you want to model after, see if they have any published books, courses or mentorship programs. If you can afford it, this will be the fastest and most structured way to learn.

  5. The worst, but still effective way is to consume content on YouTube or through blogs. This will still work, but it requires more effort on your end. After all, each video will likely only teach you 1 piece of the puzzle. You’d have to do some searching to find the entire formula for success.

Once you’ve found your “who”, copy the plan and start executing!

This little ducky wants to say goodbye!

You’ve just been given one of the biggest shortcuts in life. What are you gonna do about it?

Not knowing what to do is no longer an excuse!

The only question is whether you are going to put in the hours required to do the work.