The pessimist is always right!

All success comes from within. Learn the right mindset to overcome your limiting beliefs and make change happen for you!

The Pessimist Is Always Right

And the optimist is always wrong…. until they have massive success!

Uncomfortable truth:

Most people never achieve the lives they desire. However, that’s NOT because life has kicked their teeth in. It’s not because of the setbacks they’ve encountered. In fact, it usually has little to do with circumstances, at all!

Most people defeat themselves before even starting!

That’s why the pessimist is alright right.

The pessimist thinks it’s hard.
The pessimist thinks only others could do it.
The pessimist is convinced he never could
The pessimist wonders “what’s the point”
The pessimist doesn’t take the required action

And as a result, the pessimist’s belief gets reinforced by failure.

A Case for Practical Optimism

What does it mean to be optimistic?

Does it mean to expect an easy journey?
To not encounter many (or any) problems?
Smooth sailing all the way?

Absolutely not!

That’s what we call delusional!

Here’s what I call practical optimism:

It is knowing that it will be difficult and that there will be countless obstacles. But it also means having full faith in your own abilities to overcome any obstacle, solve any problem and get to any desired outcome!

Even when it will take a lot of time.

To everyone else, you might look like a dreamer.

“It’s impossible” they say.

“You’re better just to give up” they say.

“This is ridiculous” they say

This Is Ridiculous GIF by VeeFriends

- they


It does NOT matter!

The ONLY person who needs to believe in you is yourself! There is virtually no limit to what you can achieve once you give it your all with total conviction.

Silencing the Inner Pessimist

Here’s one thing I can guarantee you:

If you keep talking down on yourself, tell yourself it’s impossible, call yourself a loser, and so on, then it’s literally impossible to achieve your goals! You don’t have a sliver of a chance that way!

All success starts from within!

Step 1 is self awareness.

Bring your focus to your inner dialog.

Before you can change your mindset to something more positive, we need to obliterate this pessimistic mindset. Start by catching yourself out when you’re having these kinds of thoughts and use your inner voice to put a stop to it!

Then, you can redirect your focus.

For example:

Rather than saying “I can’t afford this” you could ask “How can I afford this?” (and not let yourself off the hook until you’ve got an answer)

Some more empowering questions could be:

  • What’s a small thing I can do to make things better now?

  • When have I overcome other challenges before?

  • How would my best self think right now?

  • In what way is this challenge a fantastic thing for me?

  • What would I tell a friend if he/she was thinking like this?

  • In what way can I benefit from this situation?

You can use these as inspiration and find something that works for you.

Become a magician with your thoughts!

Happy Rainbow GIF by Morphin

You see, magicians are excellent at redirecting attention.

They make people look at one thing rather than where the real action happens.

The pessimistic voice inside of your head will always be there. But, so is your inner advocate as well! By redirecting your inner conversation to focus on the right things, you can start tuning out the pessimist more and more.

As you’re reading this:

You’re probably not noticing the feelings of your clothes against your skin. Or that one itch you will start to notice now. And you probably aren’t aware of the feeling in your right foot.

Until I brought your attention to it.

You can do the same thing with your thinking!

Finding More Practical Optimism

Here’s the biggest hack in personal development:

Change who you listen to, and you change everything!

What this means is the following:

  • Spend less time with those who have problems for every solution

  • Spend less time listening to the news and other fearmongering propaganda

  • Catch and tune out your own trash talk too!

  • Instead, spend more time around positive people and messages

  • Spend more time around people more successful than you

  • Spend more time around people that inspire you

  • Spend more time on your education

  • Spend more time around massive action takers

When you do, you’re going to completely change your thinking, and therefore your future achievements!

Secondly, prove your fears wrong!

Our minds will always jump towards the worst case scenario. It’s a survival mechanism, but it works against us in modern times.

The solution is to take massive action, especially when your mind is scared!

When you take action, I can guarantee you that it won’t nearly be as bad as your mind made it out to be! By taking action, you prove to yourself that it’s okay to take action and that you can do so!

Problems Before Vs. After starting:

And finally:

Start keeping a journal of your wins!

This has everything to do with building confidence in yourself.

No matter how many affirmations you shout in the mirror, that will NOT build confidence! What your mind needs more than anything is proof of you getting better, not promises!

Document all your wins (big and small) to build up your proof!

Use it to tell yourself “I didn’t think I could overcome this problem before, but I did it anyway! And I can do the same with this problem!”.


Mindset is a verb, not just a noun!

The Power of Focus (& Boosting Yours!)

In today’s audio lesson, let’s focus on focus.

It’s your most precious asset, but only when used correctly. This lesson is going to help you learn to focus better on all 3 levels: Macro, Day-to-Day and Micro.

New Project: Rise & Thrive

As you know, I love playing around with AI. And so, I decided to try and create a faceless YouTube channel as well to learn. The best way to learn any skill is to do it, rather than just read or think about it.

Check out this first video and let me know what you think:

Actions for Today:

I think it’s time for the purge!

If you want to have a more positive and empowering mindset, the quickest way to go about it is to change your inputs in terms of information. In order to do that, try the following things:

  • Audit the people you spend the most amount of time with. Both online and offline

  • Identify the types and topics of content you consume most

  • Look at the list of people you follow across all your social media

  • Unsubscribe and unfollow those who don’t lift you up

  • Subscribe to people who teach you new things and inspire you

  • Consider spending less time with negative Nancies

  • Look for people who want to grow, and who want you to grow

  • Place yourself around people you admire, even if that means just listening to their podcast or content (it rubs off on you, slowly)

Take some time today to purge your social media from the pages, people and channels that bring you nothing but stress and negativity! Just like cutting fast food will help make your body healthier, cutting crap from your life will make your mindset healthier!

Change your input, and you change your output!

As I’m closing this off:

Remember that your mind can either be a wonderous fairy tale world, or it could be a mess of crimson hellfire!

And YOU decide which it will be!

You control your mind, use that power for good.

Have a great day,
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