My weird rule for success

Success in life is often counter-intuitive. Here's how to save years of your life!

The Counter-Intuitive Approach to Achieving More

Here’s a question I’d like you to think about for a moment:

What do all successful people have in common?

It’s an interesting question because a lot of them are completely different.

Some wake up early and get stuff done then, while others are night owls. There are highly successful introverts, but a lot of extroverts as well. Straight-up science and numbers people and those more touchy-feely are succeeding everywhere.

Above all, there is 1 key factor that sets the “1%” apart from everyone else:

They think differently from the majority.

This is the foundation for one of my personal success principles.

Here’s an uncomfortable truth:

No matter where you’re at in your life, your best thinking is what got you to this point. If you’re living your dream life, congratulations! You’ve created that. If you’re satisfied, well… you created that outcome too.

It’s all about the way we think.

Here’s a key rule to keep in mind:

You can’t solve a problem with the same kind of thinking that created it.

So, that brings me to one of my rules for success.

Sorry Charlie GIF by Adult Swim

The Road Less Travelled

There’s a reason why we call the ultra-successful the “1%”.

Of course success is not all about money, but this implies that most people do not achieve the lives they dreamt of… If their 10-year old self would look at their adult lives, they’d be grossly disappointed.

So, here’s my rule for success:

If you find yourself on the side of the majority, you’re probably on the wrong side.

For example:

If you get a new job and share it on social media, you’d probably get a lot of congratulations and words of encouragement. After all, you’re doing great to have gotten this new job or promotion.

But what if you posted that you quit your job to start a business?

Most likely, you’d get fewer congrats and you’d have people trying to talk you out of it because it’s risky. They’re not wrong, there is definitely risk involved in business, but if you want to get rich, it’s also a must!

See the point?

If 9 out of 10 people would do it, I’d highly reconsider.

If most people around you think you’re crazy, you might be on the right track.

F*ck the “Impossible”

Who can tell whether you’re Wright or wrong?

Season 3 Nbc GIF by The Office


Think about this for a moment:

The first plane was built by the Wright brothers in 1903. Before then, it would be considered impossible for men to take to the skies. That’s what most people would have said.

But NOT the Wright brothers.

Another classic example is the 4-minute mile:

The 4-minute mile was supposedly impossible.

Back then people believed that if a person ran above a certain speed, their lungs would implode and the person would die. It was considered impossible until Roger Bannister did it in 1954 (and survived).

Every dreamer is mocked and ridiculed… until they succeed!

So, don’t let the opinions of others stop you from achieving your dreams!

Applying This Rule of Success

Let’s shift gears for a moment!

Pull Up Fast And Furious GIF by The Fast Saga

This goes back to thinking differently.

Some examples:

  • Most people think hard work is the key to success
    Successful people know it’s using the right vehicle for success

  • Most people think that money is evil and doesn’t make you happy
    Successful people know it’s a tool that can make life a lot better

  • Most people think about the future in terms of getting a certain job
    Successful people are focused on solving specific problems

  • Most people think failure is a sign of defeat and a cue to give up
    Successful people know that failures is the building blocks of success

  • Most people try to avoid risks as much as possible
    Successful people embrace risk and take calculated risks to achieve more

  • Most people think that they have all the answers
    Successful people always seek for more knowledge

Read those again closely and imagine how shifting your way of thinking can radically improve your life!

Let’s make this practical:

Would you take dating advice from your uncle who was divorced 8 times?

Probably not (I hope).

Similar actions lead to similar results.

Your uncle’s way of thinking has been the root cause of the results he got in his life. Now, he’s using his best thinking to “impart wisdom” upon you. However, his “best thinking” is exactly what led him to 8 divorces!

You’d be a fool to take his advice.

Instead, try this:

Start with people that you look up to in a specific area, an area in which you want to achieve more. Ask THEM for advice on how you can achieve your goal. Seek wisdom from those who have already achieved whatever it is that you want to achieve.

For the most part, ignore advice from those who haven’t.

Note: Be aware that I highlighted the words “in a specific area”.

For example:

You wouldn’t take dating advice from our hypothetical uncle, but what if he has built multiple successful businesses for decades? In that case, you WOULD take his words seriously when it comes to business.

I’ll repeat it here;

If you find yourself on the side of the majority, you’re probably on the wrong side when it comes to success. Because if the majority had the right thinking they would be well on their way of achieving success.

Instead, follow in the footsteps of those who have achieved your goals already.

Why You’re Not Achieving Your Goals (Yet)

Attempt 265 of having AI make an image with text.

Let’s talk about excuses vs results.

Think of a goal you have right now, but can’t seem to make good progress towards. Maybe it’s procrastination, maybe you’re just not doing as much as you’d like, or maybe you fear doing certain parts.

Got that in mind?

What if I put a gun to your head, could you do it then?
What if it was your family instead?
Or what if you got a guaranteed 50 million if you just did the things?

Do you think you could do it then?

I’m fairly sure you could!

Meaning, the excuses you’ve been making are just that, excuses!

Usually, it’s one of the following issues:

  • You don’t feel worthy of the goal you have in mind.

  • You don’t believe you can achieve it, even if you tried.

  • The desire for it isn’t larger than the effort required.

  • There is fear involved which is greater than the desire

  • The current situation is more comfortable than taking action

A good start would be to sit down in silence, without distractions and ask yourself what it is you fear. Or ask why you haven’t achieved the goal yet. Or ask why you’re worthy of achieving your goals.

These are called shadow questions.

They will help you uncover any subconscious beliefs and fears.

Once you’re clear on these, you can start working on overcoming them.

Another thing you can do is to increase the desire for your goals. One of the best ways to do this is by going through “The Trail of Whys”. This process helps you get crystal clear on why you must succeed.

My recommendation? Work on both sides of this equation!

Additional Resources for Success
Not sure what career to pick? The video below is a goldmine.

A really interesting video from an ex-CIA officer. You’ll learn the 4 main levers that dictate our actions. You’ll learn how people can use this to manipulate others. Watching this is a great first step in learning to protect yourself against it. Click here to watch.

Understanding is power. It’s crucial to learn how people operate. Not just to not fall victim to manipulation but to work better with yourself too. This video shares great lessons from Robert Greene’s book The Laws of Human Nature. Click here to watch.

Let’s talk about mental health for men. If you ever experienced feelings like anxiety or depression, this video will help a lot. The truth is that it’s hard to look for help, but it’s also crucial. You’ll learn actionable ways to break through mental barriers. Click here to watch.

It’s Time for Action!

As always, here are my suggested steps for putting this intro practice:

  1. Pick one goal that you’re going to work towards with this plan of action. For now, don’t pick multiple areas to switch up, make changes one at a time.

  2. Map out what you’re currently doing in order to achieve that goal.

  3. Evaluate if it’s a qualitative or quantitative problem.

    For example: If you want to be a YouTuber, but you make one video every 3 months, that’s not nearly enough to gain traction (quantitative issue). However, there might also be a lot of things you’re doing wrong with your content, thumbnails, etc. (I know I am.) Those are qualitative.

  4. For quantitative problems, your action is to simply do more. (Or to do less of something that is destructive)

  5. If it’s a qualitative issue (or you’re unsure), look at the people who have already succeeded at your goal. Ask them for guidance if possible, try to reverse engineer their steps or watch their content if they have any.

  6. You’ll probably find a LOT of things you could do differently. However, pick one thing you’re going to change, test it and see if you’re doing better.

    Then do more of it while you start up another test.

This process helps you in achieve ANY goal!

And just so we’re clear, that does NOT mean that it will be easy or quick.

Anyone that you know and look up to has spent years, if not decades to achieve the results that they have achieved. By following their steps, you can learn from their mistakes and do it faster, but never expect things to be easy!

As always, congratulations on making it to the end of the newsletter! Now, go and put this into action and change your life!

Have a great day!

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