Ron Weasly Shares Secret to Happiness

This little-know quote reveals the core principle for living a fulfilling life

Helping ordinary people rise from the ashes of their failures to achieve greatness!

Ron Weasly Shares the Secret to Happiness

Inspiration and wisdom are everywhere around us, if we only choose to seek it!

One of these sudden rushes came to me when I was re-watching the Harry Potter series. And while I could have written about a dozen great quotes from Dumbledore, I’d like to turn your attention to the seemingly mundane scene below.

You might have glazed over it, but this is profound:

Ron accidentally reveals the key formula to happiness in life!

Let’s break this one down, shall we?

“Blissful is he ignorant enough to believe no problems will befall him. Blissful until the moment life inevitably punches him in the face and kicks in his teeth”

- Brilliant quote from yours truly (in my heavily biased opinion)

Let’s face reality: Life is going to have problems in it, always!

There’s an important lesson I learned from Tony Robbins early in my life:

It is the fact that achieving our goals will NOT make us happy! They might give you a certain rush for a moment, but after that fades, you’re back to life as usual... Instead what DOES bring happiness is everlasting progress towards the person you truly desire to be!

You’ve probably realized this, haven’t you?

Have you ever hit one of your goals, felt proud of yourself, and then wondered: “Fantastic that I achieved this! ….. now what?” It’s that empty feeling that derives us of our sense of purpose and direction, and in turn, our motivation and self esteem when this feeling lingers on.

Let me summarize a fulfilled life by paraphrasing Justin Waller: 

To live a truly happy and fulfilling life, one must continue climbing their personal mountain (goal) while at the same time looking for the next mountain to climb. For it isn’t temporary failure that defeats men, but rather reaching the top and having nowhere else to go.

Continue Learning With These Resources:

I’m currently reading this book, Meditations myself. And oh boy, it’s truly phenomenal! Marcus Aurelius was a genius ahead of his time, and I’d highly recommend every man to read this book at least once!

If you’ve never heard of Patrick Bet-David, he’s one of the sharpest people I know and one of the people I have learned the most from. In this video 20 Lessons for Young Men you will find actionable tips on reaching your next level, whether you’re 18, 28 or 58 years old right now!

One of the greatest talks I’ve ever seen in my life. Tom and Alex break down the exact mindsets you can adopt to succeed beyond your wildest dreams. It’s a loooongg video to watch, but if you have the time, you’re going to be overwhelmed with the practical value these guys provide!

Back to YOU: Action Step You Can Take Right Now!

Today, I’d love it if you could ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Am I crystal clear on what my next goals are? If the answer is no, it’s time to sit down and reverse engineer what your ideal life would look like. Once you know that, you can break it down to smaller goals.

    Note: Prioritization is key, but do it horizontally instead of vertically! Don’t think about priorities as in “X is above Y in terms of importance”. Think of it like a (horizontal) timeline: “Doing X first will make Y easier to achieve afterward.” In other words, which goal will create momentum?

  2. What are some simple daily actions I can take that, if I do them consistently, will make it nearly impossible for me to fail at achieving my goals? Write them down, prioritize and commit to doing it daily.

  3. Can I dream bigger? How do I make sure I don’t accidentally end up on top of the mountain without any further direction or new mountain to scale?


Thank you for reading, I appreciate you taking the time to become the best you!

Remember that when in doubt, take your eyes off the long journey ahead and instead look at how far you’ve already come, and what you’re doing today!

- Maikel

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