How to Learn ANY Skill 10x Faster

When a wise man and a fool meet, the wise man learns more from the fool than vice versa. Learning is the skill that unlocks all others, but how can you learn faster?

New banner, who this?

Learning Is the One Skill to Rule Them All

If there was one super power we have as humans it is the ability to learn.

Most people completely disregard this…

The fact that you’re here speaks volumes! It means you’re a rare breed of people that actually want to improve themselves and grow smarter!

Now, the question is:

How DO you learn new things rapidly?

Ever since I was young, I’ve been amazing at learning new things, but I never knew WHY I was good at it. That is, until a few years ago when I looked back in hindsight.

Today, I’ll cover the framework for learning any skill rapidly!

(Sidenote: Below, you’ll find a video covering the topic in detail. So if you prefer watching/listening over reading, I’d recommend scrolling down)

The First Requirement for Learning

When a wise mand and an idiot meet, the wise man learns more from the idiot than vice versa! I know that might sound counter intuitive, but here’s why:

A wise man knows there is something to be learnt from everyone.

An idiot, ironically, thinks he knows it all.

Ego is the enemy of all learning!

The first requirement to learn anything is to cast it aside and take on what we call “The Beginner’s Mindset”. The willingness to learn needs to be there, or you’ll stay stuck at your current level forever.

Here’s a good question to ask:

“Are other people doing better than me at [insert area of interest]?”

If yes:

They know or do something that you don’t!

Your best bet to move forward is to listen, don’t judge, learn and then put their teachings to the test.

And please note:

World-class athletes, business owners, artists and professionals in every area have a coach or some form of mentorship. That is the reason why they’re at the top!

My Unintentional Superpower

You’re here, so you fulfill the prerequisite for learning.

Now, we can move on to HOW to learn faster.

I stumbled upon this by accident.

Firstly, let me ask you this:

Who are the quickest learners on the planet?

It is of course… lizard people! That’s why Zuck is so smart!

(If I’m ever found dead, please note it was lizard people that did it)

Jokes aside:

The quickest learners on the planet are children!

But why?

When a child is out and about they are curious about everything. Their minds wonder in 1365 different directions and they ask tons of questions. It is this open and curious mindset that allows them to learn at phenomenal speeds!

If you’re a parent, I’m sure you can confirm that children constantly ask “Why?”.

Most adults completely lose this superpower…

Compare the curiosity of a child to how most teens sit in their classes and lectures. Almost asleep, bored out of their minds, waiting out the minutes, distracted, etc.

Most adults in their jobs don’t do any better either…

What I realized (in hindsight) is that I still remained curious and eager to learn.

The Best Kind of Learning

There are many ways to learn, but what is the best?

Here’s my advice:

The kind of learning that I would recommend is project-based learning. This means throwing yourself head first into whatever skill you’re trying to learn and become a practitioner rather than just a student.

  • Learning an instrument? start playing it first

  • If you want to learn graphic design, start designing

  • Want to be a better lier? Become a politician.

  • Learning social skills? Go talk to more people.

  • Trying to learn marketing? Start your own webshop/YouTube/blog/etc.

You get the point.

There are three main benefits to learning this way:

  1. You learn way faster when you apply knowledge rather than just learn it.

  2. Because you’re actively doing, you can learn more specifically by honing in on the areas where you’re stuck.

  3. When you’re taking action, you will see progress, which then reinforces your behavior and makes your more likely to continue.

Below, you’ll find my progress to get started today.

3 Ways to Rapidly Improve Yourself

There are many differences between successful people and unsuccessful people.

However, these generally are NOT major differences!

Most of the time, it is about the dozens of small things that high performers do differently than everyone else. They’re the small things that make a big difference (something about size mattering).

The lesson above contains 3 small changes you can make today to change the direction of your life!

Video Lesson: The Rapid Learning Formula

Want to dive deeper into learning faster?

Some time ago, I did a video where I outlined the entire formula for learning anything. It’s a more detailed version of what we talked about in this newsletter.

Getting Started With Learning

As usual, let’s spend some time to make this practical so that you can easily get started today. Keep in mind that the simpler you make things for yourself, the more likely you’ll be to follow through!

Here’s my recommended path to follow:

  1. Decide upon the skill you’re trying to improve (if you’re not clear on this yet). When in doubt, find something that makes a lasting impact on your life and/or allows you to snowball (achieve other things faster).

  2. Decide on what your project is going to be. Brainstorm some ideas of how you can DO the skill you’re trying to learn. Don’t waste your time reading newsletters (appreciate ya though!), listening to podcasts or watching endless videos until after you have started practice!

  3. Pay attention to your progress.

    Within every skill, there will be parts that immediately “click” and parts that you struggle with. Identify the things you’re good and bad at, as well as area where you’re not getting the desired results.

  4. With your observations, go and seek out the right information. This could be a video on YouTube, seeking an expert, discussing it with peers and so on. Because you know your painpoints you can find specific guidance rather than general tips and tricks.

  5. Don’t spend too much time consuming content. Get the lessons and get to work implementing them. See if they improve your results and further iterate from there or continue until you hit the next roadblock.

  6. Bonus: There is one crucial step I saved until now, which is to teach. Share your lessons learnt with a friend, go at it together and discuss, or simply take out your phone and pretend you are a YouTuber teaching the skill to a beginner.

    Note: You don’t need to share anything publicly (though you can). The reason teaching works so well is because it forces you to understand the topic thoroughly. When you teach, you learn the lesson (at least) twice!

Remember to always keep an open mindset, never assume you know it all and use your super power of curiosity!

Do that and you’ll be outlearning almost everyone!

It’s time for me to “Let you go” so that you can get to learning that new skill!

As you might have noticed in the banner, I’ve decided to change the name of this newsletter to better reflect the vision I have for the brand.

Don’t worry, you’ll still receive practical personal development lessons as usual.