How to Handle Difficult Times Like a Champ!

Devastating moments in life are inevitable! Some get out stronger while others get destroyed... Here's how to face adversity and get 10 times stronger because of it!

How to Get Through Difficult Times

One thing is guaranteed:

You’re going to experience a TON of hardship and setbacks in life.

Here’s what is NOT guaranteed however:

Getting out of the hardship well…

Some people will go through a potentially traumatic experience and they get out 10 times stronger. Meanwhile, other people going through a similar experience will be broken for years, or even the rest of their lives…

What’s the difference?

It’s all in one’s mindset!

In this newsletter, we’ll cover how to overcome hardships like a boss!

Be a Visionary

This literally saved my life!

Back in high school, I was being bullied daily. Back then, I was the shy, autistic kid without any backbone, social skills, or confidence. As a result, I was depressed for a couple of years…

and I thought of ending it at some point.


My inner champion spoke to me.

When I was in that darkest hour, I recall a little voice inside say something like:

“Do not go through with this! You are NOT the problem here, they are. If anything, they (the bullies) should be the ones deserving to diet, not you. And you can do 100x more than those bullies could even dream of!”

That was a turning point in my life!

I decided back then and there that I would become successful in business.

(Still working the business part out)

However, it got me started on a journey of personal development when I was around 15. The vision for my future is what allowed me to deal with the present (which was terrible).

Here’s the thing about depression:

It’s not about one’s situation in life.

The issue is not seeing a way out.

One of the main things you need in order to overcome any hardship is to know who you want to become and what you want to achieve. It becomes the rope you can hold onto and pull yourself up to!

Shift Your Focus

Shit happens, that’s a fact!

Fun fact, I don’t care much about decorations or esthetics in the slightest. It’s just vanity in my eyes. However, I DID get some decoration for my work room, which is the following:

The reason I got this was as a reminder.

What this quote means to me is absolute power!

If you want to be able to deal with hardships well, it’s crucial to focus on the things you can control. Too many people stay stuck blaming their bad luck, cursing circumstances and amplifying the pain in their own minds.

Screw that!

Here’s the mindset for being ironclad:

“If I can’t control it, I’m not going to dwell on it.”
“I cannot fix the past, I can only work NOW to create a better future.”
“Some things are out of my control, but I always control my response!”

Get in the mindset of taking 100% responsibility for your life!

Does that mean everything is your fault?

Nope, it is not.

However, it is your responsibility.

The way you can look at this would be to read it as “response-able”, the willingness and ability to respond well to any internal or external situation.

Be Prepared

Do you know the athlete who only showed up for games, not practice?

Yeah, me neither.

Most people live their lives in a way where they are actively trying to stay clear of anything difficult. They keep their head down and do very little to avoid failure and making mistakes.

It’s like an athlete who doesn’t practice at all.

That athlete will get obliterated in the game!

Here’s how this relates to real life:

The inevitable setbacks in life are like the game days.

Someone who has never practiced will not be able to win on those days. By practice, I mean putting yourself through hardships intentionally to build up yourself, your strength (physical and mental), your skills and your resilience.

What can you do?

Push yourself as far out of your comfort zone as you can!

For example:

  • Challenge yourself to run a marathon in 3 months.

  • Learn a new skill

  • Continue pushing your limits in the gym

  • Pick up more pressure

  • Keep going AFTER you feel every urge to give up

I don’t know what your life looks like, but every day try to push your limits!

This doesn’t just build you into the man who is capable of overcoming anything, it builds your resistance to stress and those uncomfortable actions are what allow you to build your dream life!

The Harsh Truth About Success in Life

What’s the price of success?

The truth is that most people vastly underestimate the amount of work that goes into building anything meaningful. They FEEL like they’re doing a lot, but it pales in comparison to what is required to succeed.

Which is why most people fail utterly…

Here’s a story about this I heard the other day:

It’s from an entrepreneur, Alex Hormozi.

In his early business days, a mentor recommended that he used flyers to promote his gym. And so he did. He made the flyer, had them printed and he put out 300 of them around the area of his gym.

He got absolutely no results.

He returned to his mental.

His mentor asked him:

“What was your test size?”

After Alex told him how many flyers he put out, his mentor said:

“You only put out 300? We test with a sample size of 5000. And once we have our winner, we put out 5000 flyers per day.

Let that one sink in for a moment.

This wasn’t a factor of needing 2 or 3 times as much effort..

He literally did 1/500th of what was required to make it work!

From all this, I’d like you to take 1 simple message:

Regardless of where you’re at in life, you have full control over your future! However, anything worthwhile is going to require a ton, and I mean a TON of work to pull it off!

Be hard on yourself and life will be easy on you!

Be easy on yourself and life will be hard on you!

Your call!

New On YouTube: Say “NO!” to Dopamine Detoxing!
Why dopamine is our friend not the enemy & how to get more!

My Challenge to You

What is it that you want to achieve?

Or better yet, what is something you’re dreading will happen?

That’s your compelling vision.

Once you’re clear on where you’re going, take out a piece of paper and write down all the actions that you could take that will make this future a reality.

Order them, from most to least effective (in your best judgment).

Ask yourself this:

“What level of output would make it ridiculous for me NOT to achieve my desired outcome if I was consistent with it? How can I put in SO MUCH effort that failure becomes virtually impossible?”

Push your limits, my friend!

This level of output will feel like a huge mountain to climb.


Remember, the journey is MEANT to be hard!

It’s what molds you into the best version of yourself. It helps you to become the version of yourself capable of handling difficult times like a boss!

Will you rise to the challenge today, or give up?

I know this newsletter might have been a little bit on the heavy side.

To compensate, have a cute bunny waving goodbye!

And keep an eye on your inbox on Thursday! ;)

Maikel signing off!