The Most Dangerous Words in English!

If you want to make a lasting change in your life, be extremely careful with these 2 words...

The most dangerous words known to mankind?
Let’s dive into the incredible power our words have.

There’s a famous quote from Henry Ford:

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right”

It’s an unfortunate fact that the vast majority of people never achieve the goals they set for themselves. It’s even more unfortunate that virtually all of them fail to do so because of themselves rather than outside events.

You’re here because you want to be part of the few that DO succeed.

In this newsletter you’ll learn how to use your words, both spoken & internal talk, to better enable the achievement of your goals.

 Keep this in mind:

The most powerful force in the human mind is the psychological need to stay congruent with who we say that we are.

Tony Robbins

In other words, our identity is a key decider for our future!

The Most Dangerous Words

Now then, what are these dangerous words I hinted at?

“I am . . .”

The reason that these words are so dangerous is that everything that comes after it will become part of our identity. Over time these words become part of who you are and you’ll get stuck in a web of your own making!

And let’s face it, most people use this against themselves:

  • “Oh well, I’m just a procrastinator.”

  • “I want to achieve X, but I’m just not disciplined enough.”

  • “I’m depressed.”

  • “I’m not not meant to achieve anything great.”

  • drops something Ugh, I’m such a stupid idiot.”

I could go on for ages, but I’m sure you get the point.

Remember this concept:

You follow your words!

The issue is that most people think they describe their present when they say things like this. However, in reality they describe their future! The words people use become part of their identity and their mind will then cling to it for dear life!

This is why labels are so dangerous…

Once somebody labels him or herself with something negative or accepts such a label from others, they’re on a slippery slope. In order to guard against this, it’s crucial to start curating your own list of personal values and to start reinforcing these.

Ask yourself questions like:

  • What traits do I value most in myself and others?

  • What do I truly believe in and would fight to protect?

  • If I had to describe myself with 5 words, what would they be?

  • What things do I absolutely despise and disagree with?

  • Who do I really admire? Why do I admire these people?

By asking yourself these kinds of questions you start getting closer to choosing the right labels for yourself. These could be traits like hard-working, honesty, kindness, being an avid learner, continuous self improvement and so on.

Once you get clear, start reinforcing them and act in accordance!

If you want to learn how to change your internal dialog, you can find steps below in this newsletter. But before you get there, let’s dive into a practical way to start deleting some limiting beliefs from your brain!

The 1 Google Search That Changes Your Dreams Forever!
It’s time to shatter some limiting beliefs about yourself! :)

Let’s talk about limiting beliefs, because we all have them to some degree.

And let’s look at the honest truth:

If you knew that you would fail, would you put in the effort required to succeed? Or would you instead half-ass it because your heart isn’t in it? Would you give up way too soon because you don’t believe you’re worth it?

You already know the answers…

Let me tell you a quick story:

Have you ever heard of “The Great Gatsby”?

This book is honored by literary critics as one of the best books of the 20th century. (I’ll take their word for it, since all I’ve seen is the Family Guy episode about it). However, the story isn’t the important part about it…

It’s the author!

It was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

So what you ask?

The interesting part is that he was dyslexic!

Can you even imagine the amount of people would who love to write a book, but they write themselves off (pun intended) because of having dyslexia? This one perceived limiting factor will undoubtedly have ruined many dreams….

Sidenote: Autocorrect had to correct both instances of the word, so maybe I have sexdaily dyslexia as well.

Do This Tonight

Type the following into Google (or your search engine of choice):

“famous [insert goal] who [insert “limiting” belief]”

If we take the example above, we would fill in the first gap with the word “authors” as that’s the goal. Since our example limiting belief is that it’s not possible due to dyslexia we would fill the second gap with “that were dyslexic”.

In this case it would be:

“famous authors who were dyslectic”.

Of course you’re going to replace these with your own personal goal and excuses. For example, if you’re 40 and you think it’s too late to start a business, this search would find plenty of entrepreneurs who started in their 40’s and 50’s.

And the key is this:

If they can do it, then so can YOU!

This Google search is designed to help you find examples of people who came from a similar or worse position than you’re in right now, who made it happen. In reading this, you know that it’s 100% possible for you too!

The next step?

Reverse engineer what they did to go from their start to finish and then follow those same steps! Success leaves clues so start hunting for them to put together your puzzle towards the success you desire!

Additional Resources

If you want to change your identity and how you feel about yourself, look no further than the master himself! In this podcast, Tony Robbins talks about the most important tool for changing your behavior, habits and life.

Ever feel like everyone is judging you? Ever try to hide your true self? If you want to build real confidence, it’s crucial to stop caring so much about what people think of you! Let David Goggins give you a kick in the right direction here. ;)

Want to take your social skills to the next level? The other day I watched this talk from Tai Lopez that’s incredibly insightful. Follow these tips and you’ll have a lot more success in networking.

Action Steps: Changing Internal Dialog

We’ve been talking a lot about changing up our internal talk, but how can you do it?

Short answer:

It’s not exactly easy.

Longer answer:

You’re not going to change your entire internal language overnight. However, there are some steps that, if applied consistently, will help you in changing your identity to something better.

Here are the steps required:

  1. Firstly, start by diving into yourself to figure out what beliefs and excuses you would like to change. What part of your identity is preventing you from reaching your potential?

  2. Next, you need to identify the person you want to become. You can do so through the questions I posed earlier. If you don’t want the identity you have currently given yourself, what do you want instead?

  3. This is the crucial step: Self-awareness! Because how can you change something if you’re not aware? This step involves you checking how you speak to others as well as to yourself.

    Your goal with this self awareness is to start catching yourself out whenever you’re using the old kind of language to describe yourself. Stop yourself in the act before you apply the label!

  4. One easy reframe would be to put it in the past tense. “No, no, no!” you tell yourself, “That’s who I used to be. In reality I am [insert new you].”

    Tip: Make the reframe a move-toward statement. Something like “I’m becoming more disciplined every day!” rather than “I’m super disciplined”. This way, your mind is going to be less resistant to it.

  5. Start reinforcing the new beliefs and identity you’re trying to install. You can both do this through affirmations, but the crucial part is to do this through actions. Your mind needs proof, not promises that you are getting better!

The steps are simple enough, but usually people have two main issues with the process. Firstly, they’re unaware of their internal talk. And at first, it’s going to be hard for you as well. Keep auditing your self talk, and you’ll get better at catching yourself out more often.

The other issue is the mind calling “BS!” on you.

To counter this, try avoiding absolutes (I’m always…) at first. Put your identity into things like growth, always learning, becoming more disciplined and so on. In short things

Your host for this newsletter! :)

Maikel here, wanting to thank you for reading! I hope you found this edition of the newsletter valuable!

My question to you is:

How can I help you?

If there’s a problem you’re facing or you have a question that I might be able to answer, let me know!

Got a question? Reply to this email!

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It would be a great addition to their lives, and I’d be really grateful too! :)

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