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  • The #1 Secret to Building Amazing Habits Quickly

The #1 Secret to Building Amazing Habits Quickly

Discover the secret to building life-changing habits that most people get backwards!

What does it take to change your life?
Simple, it all comes down to our daily habits!

Devious little critters they are though…

Logically, we all know the power that habits have for creating change in one’s life. It’s a no-brainer that someone who exercises every day gets fitter while the person who Mac-xercises every day gets fatter.

The issue?


When you eat fast food once, you’re not going to KF-C any difference. Just like you won’t suddenly be like The Incredible Hulk. The problem is that you won’t see immediate results from the work you’re doing today. Nor will you see the harm you’re doing with bad habits immediately.

This delay breaks people’s attempts!

Because you don’t see instant results, it is difficult for people to stick with building new habits because it feels like there’s no progress. When there is (seemingly) no reward, building habits is hard!

The opposite is also true:

Because we don’t immediately see the results of our actions, it becomes easy to say “I’ll just skip today and get back into it tomorrow”.

So then, what’s the key to building great habits?

Make it as easy as possible!

The #1 mistake that most people make is that they have big ambitions, and so they assume that their habits need to be big as well. This couldn’t be further from the truth however…

Think of it like this:

Let’s say you’ve never exercised once for the last 3 years and you want to get in shape. How realistic would it be for you to suddenly say “I’m going to go to the gym for 1 hour every single day!” and stick with it?

Most people won’t be able to do it…

Don’t create Mount f*cking Everest for yourself!

Any great habit you build has 1 goals and 1 goal only:

To get started!

To give you an example of this, there was a time when I was writing a lot of articles. However, I never told myself “I’m gonna write a full article today!”.

Not even once!

Instead, I said to myself “I’m going to write 1 paragraph today as my daily habit and if I want to quit after that, it’s perfectly fine”. I made my daily habit so small that I could trick myself into something that would only take a minute or two.

And guess what happened?

I would get in the flow!

Once I had written the first paragraph, the next one would flow automatically. And before I knew it, that one paragraph would turn into 1000 words and suddenly I’m faced with a completed article!

A few more examples:

  • Change “1 hour of exercise” to “stepping outside in gym clothing”

  • Change “read 20 pages to “open the book”

  • Change “I’ll finish this project” to “I’ll start it right now”

  • Change “write a chapter of my book” to “write at least 1 sentence”

Again, the only goals is to get started!

Make your habits as small as possible, so that there are no excuses possible!

While we’re at it, remember this:

It’s not about the intensity of what you do, but rather the consistency!

What good will it do to change your entire routines, if it means you can’t handle the new life and give up in a few weeks? Even if you restart it every few weeks, the results will be worse than if you did less, but did it every day without fail!

Consistency > Intensity!

Even a small switch or habit can make a huge difference long term.

Continue learning:
It’s a bit of an old one, but this video breaks down the entire process of building new habits. Yes, of course I’m biased but this is a masterclass in habits. ;)

If you want to learn how to build better habits, look no further than Atomic Habits by James Clear! You’ll learn in great detail how to make your new good habits stick and break your bad ones!

We all could do with a bit of positivity, can’t we? Here’s your daily dose of it! In this video Gary Vaynerchuk breaks down an amazing mindset for a happier and more fulfilling life!

And while we’re on the topic of habits, check out Ed Mylett’s interview with James Clear to learn from two amazing people who have taught me so much!

Back to you: Actions steps for today!

We’ve been talking about what it takes to build new habits in your life. However, all of this information is completely useless unless you act upon it! So in this final section, allow me to break down how to get started with building good new habits today!

  1. If you’re not already sure, get crystal clear on your goal.

  2. Think of a few activities that, if you do them daily, would make it almost impossible for you to fail at achieving your goal.

  3. Pick the one you think is best suited to you. Remember that for every goal, there are hundreds or thousands of ways to go about achieving it. Which one is the right strategy for you specifically?

  4. Break it down! For your chosen activity, write down the absolute smallest step you can take every day to start it. Write down a few things you could do, and then pick the one that feels the easiest.

  5. You just picked your new daily habit!

  6. Because it’s small, it will be way easier to get yourself to do it compared to big habits. However, it is still your duty to reinforce your new habit every single day.

Follow these steps and you’ll be unrecognizable in 6 months from now!

Remember that life is long and the journey ahead of you is long as well! Don’t fret over how big of a journey you still have ahead of you.

Focus on getting just 1% better every single day!

Talk soon!

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