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- Are you falling for these traps...?
Are you falling for these traps...?
There is a TON of terrible advice out there... If you fall victim to these, it will completely derail you from your goals and best life! Avoid these 3 things at all cost.
Life Is Like Swimming in a River
Ever heard people talk about the journey of a thousand miles?
It’s an analogy that is half-accurate.
In reality, achieving goals is like swimming upstream in a river:
You’re going to have to exert a lot of energy and effort in order to make progress. However, unlike walking, you don’t stand still when you stop moving. Instead, the river will flow you back downstream!
In our analogy, that means further away from your goals!
In life, the river = your bad habits.
Following the wrong advice can lead to a ton of terrible decisions that mess everything up! And because there is a TON of terrible, but common advice out there on the interwebz, let's tackle 3 common lies that derail many people from their goals!
1 The “Life Is Short” Lie
Every time someone says that I get a strong urge to punch them in the mouth…
(So far I’ve restrained myself)
On the surface, it sounds like wonderful advice to get people to take action out of urgency. However, this usually just leads to more stress, anxiety and a ton of terrible short-term decisions.
Here’s why it’s so terrible:
When people buy into the idea of “life is short”, they look for shortcuts.
They need success NOW!
Oftentimes people go for short terms plays, which usually has one of three effects:
It completely blows up in their faces, because they didn’t build upon a solid foundation. I made this mistake when I tried getting into online business without any discipline, confidence or knowledge (it failed, badly)
They see some initial success, but then try hard to use the money they got to flaunt. They often squander it and/or find out that the initial success wasn’t sustainable, and they implode or get into debt.
Reputation takes a long time to build and is easy to destroy. Dumb actions out of impatience can completely destroy one’s reputation. It can take years or decades to recover from short-sightedness.
Here’s what I like you to understand to put things into perspective:
As of me writing this, I’m 30 years old.
I know from being active online that a lot of people are afraid that life “ends” when you’re 20, 26 or 30. However, I will raise the following point: Even if I achieve nothing at all in the coming 20 years, I’d still be ONLY HALFWAY of my life!
And I would STILL have a lot of time left!
Don’t get me wrong here:
This does NOT mean to squander the time you got!
In fact, let’s talk about that in detail:
1.5 Everyone Blossoms At Their Own Rate
I’m cheating on my own numbering!
Deal with it!
This is advice at the other side of the spectrum and it can be equally destructive!
Again, it’s something that sounds good at first. It’s a nice comforting thought when someone isn’t really progressing in life as much as they would like to. It’s like saying “Oh don’t worry at all, everything will magically fall into place”.
Spoiler alert:
It doesn’t!
The truth is:
Everyone blossoms at their own time, but they blossom when they DECIDE that it’s their time to blossom! They start growing when they’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, and they decide to flip the switch!
Please hear me on this:
If people tell this to you, it’s time to decide.
You can either continue down the same path you’re on right now, or you can decide that you will do whatever it takes to succeed. Until you start to drastically change things, your life will either stay the same or decline.
Develop Aggressive Patience
What is the real lesson to be learnt instead?
It’s what I call Aggressive Patience.
Meaning that today, you’re going to take massive action as if it’s your last chance. At the same time, you realize that there are no shortcuts. And you understand that it will take a long time to achieve anything meaningful!
Or put shortly:
Micro: Extreme effort.
Macro: Extreme patience.
Result: Extreme mindset.
With everything you do, have a long-term vision and don’t forsake it for short term pleasure. Delayed gratification is one of the most important skills you can learn.
On a daily basis, go all out!
Do that and you’ve got a winning formula.
2 Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness
If you fall victim to this, you’re utterly fucked!
There are things that money cannot buy and no, money isn’t everything.
However, money is a crucial tool.
Look everywhere around you right now:
You’ll see inflation getting out of control, almost nobody can afford to buy a house, life gets progressively more difficult. Moreover, we’re getting more divided, people get cancelled for sharing opinions (or even plain facts) and our freedom of speech is at risk!
Money is the only way to escape!
The truth is:
People say things like “money won’t make you happy”, “the rich suck” or “I don’t need all those materialistic things” as a huge cope! It’s their way to protect their own feelings about their situation.
But that’s not the worst part…
What’s worse is this:
The message is being spread to dissuade people from becoming successful!
It’s a message meant to keep you poor!
To keep you feeling down and about about yourself.
To keep you from aiming higher in life.
To keep you stuck where you’re at.
Personal excellence and success are the ultimate forms of rebellion.
Not convinced yet?
Let me ask you, would you feel happier if:
You didn’t have to show up every day at a job you dislike (even hate)?
You had more free time to spend with your friend and family.
You could retire your parents so that they can spend the rest of their lives in comfort and luxury?
You were free of the burden of constantly worrying about paying the next bill and you didn’t have to look at every price tag?
You were free to travel more and spend more time & money on your hobbies.
In an economy that’s turning for the worse, you sleep peacefully knowing that your finances are great.
Plain and simple, having more money will solve a LOT of problems. At the same time, it allows you the ultimate flex in life: Freedom.
Find a way to make more money, or be left behind in the coming years…
3 Nice Guys Finish Last
I’m gonna put on my old man hat here.
Maybe it’s just me, but I have the feeling that people are more rude now than ever. The levels of assholiness seem to have skyrocketed from the time when I was a kid.
One thing we desperately need is more kindness.
Because of that, I can’t stand advice like “Nice guys finish last.”
Also, it’s absolutely not true!
Nice guys finish first!
In what messed up, twisted universe is being an asshole going to give you any kind of lasting success?! It isn’t! Being some ruthless asshole who doesn’t care for anyone, might get you results short-term.
But it will blow up!
Your reputation and nature will catch up to you.
Nobody will want to work with you or be around you!
This is how people will think about you when you’re an asshole.
If you treat people with respect, look for the win-win, help those in need, have a smile and are kind, what’s the downside??
There isn’t one!
You’ll be leaving people better off than you left them, people like you better, you stand out from the misery-driven masses, people want to work with you, people want to be around you. You’ll create a reputation for being an awesome person.
Oh noooo, the horror… people think I’m a good person.
The Difference Between Kindness & Manipulation
That said, there’s one thing we need to talk about:
Most of the “nice guys” aren’t nice at all! Either intentionally or through not knowing any better, they are manipulators. So let’s put some confusion to rest once and for all, shall we?
Being kind means you expect nothing in return.
You show kindness or help someone because it’s the right thing to do.
Manipulation comes in the form of things like:
“I’m going to hold open the door for her, be a gentleman to her, show interest, shower her with compliments and as a result, she’s definitely going to fall for me.”
This is giving with a hidden motive.
Manipulation in short.
The same thing happens for example when you do a favor for a certain person in the office, because you know that he and the boss get along. You wouldn’t do it for anyone else, but you think he’ll put in a good word for you if you help out.
Again, that’s not “helping”.
That’s not “kindness”.
It’s manipulation for you to get what you want!
Ps. If you’re afraid that people will take advantage of you when you’re always helping out, remember that you can always say “No”. However, when you do say “Yes”, do it because you want to do it and know that the other person does not owe you anything in return!
Audio Lesson: Changing Your World View
Nobody see the world exactly the way it is, nobody!
We all see own own objective reality.
That’s because everything that we see, hear, feel, smell and taste first gets filtered by our minds. Once our mind has done that, it now presents a small portion of the information, the part it thinks is most relevant to us.
When we’re aware of this, we can change our worldview almost overnight!
Here’s how:
More Terrible Advice Not to Follow!
Let’s continue today’s theme, shall we?
This is one of my recent videos where I cover 3 different pieces of advice that often get thrown around in personal development.
Watch the video to understand them, and not make these mistakes again:
Action Steps for Today
Let’s dive deeper into the topic of aggressive patience.
Specifically, I’d like you to get clear on the one thing.
Imagine the following:
In order for you to reach your goal, you’re limited to only doing 1 thing every single day. It can be something small, or something big. That’s up to you to decide.
Once you pick, you have to do only that and change nothing else in your life.
Try asking this question:
“What is one thing that, if I do it every day, would make it impossible for me NOT to achieve my goal?” In other words, what level of action would guarantee your success if you’re consistent with it?
Congratulations, you found the 1 thing.
The reason I’m bringing this up is because there are thousands of things that you COULD be doing with your time. But most of them are not going to help you achieve your goals.
You’ve just identified (your best bet about) what WILL!
Now, it’s time for aggressive patience:
My challenge to you would be to do 120% of this today!
Then, I want you to commit to yourself to do it daily for at least a year!
If you can do these two things, you’ll be way ahead of 98% of people at that given goal by the end of the coming year! Remember that it’s massive daily action combined with patience that creates the best results!
Remember, when you don’t fall victim to doing the wrong things, your path forward becomes 10 times easier! Keep that in mind while you work to become your best self! And as a PSA, according to AI, even a battery needs to recharge sometimes, so take care of yourself!