Becoming Your Best Self Today!

You are a single decision away from a permanent change in your life!

Becoming Your Best Self
What does it take to be that person, TODAY?

You’re here because you want to become a better version of you, right?

The question is, what does it take to do that?

  • A revelation?

  • Years of hard work?

  • Fighting your inner demons?

  • Sacrificing your firstborn to Chtuhlu?

  • A ton of accolades?

  • A full identity shift?

  • Getting bitten by a radioactive Superman?

What if I told you that it was actually a lot simpler than that?

Let me share a framework that will help you be your best self NOW, not in 752 years!

Here’s a hint:

Do you know what your perfect self would look like?

If so, perfect!

If not, get crystal clear on who you want to be.

Now, with your ideal self in mind ask yourself one question:

“What would my ideal self do in my exact situation?”

This question is designed for 1 simple purpose: It’s to snap yourself out of the routine thinking and actions that you currently have. Normally, we run on autopilot and asking this question brings awareness to your choices.

And guess what?

When you make those decisions, you’re showing up as your best self, today!

The Have/Do/Be Framework

Ever heard of this?

This is the idea that we can base our identity upon 3 things:

Firstly, you can try to base it on what you have: “If I have a lot of cash, I’ll be successful”. You can base it on what you do “If I work on myself daily, I’ll be successful”. Or you can simply “be” because that’s just who you are.

Let’s go through these:

“Having” will never build you up!

It’s just a crutch because it’s something outside of you that can be lost in a moment. And if that disappears, bye bye identity!

No bueno! :(

Let’s look at the “Be” principle.

How can you make a permanent identity shift?


Forget about things like manifestation, positive affirmations, law of attraction and other things like that. Without action, none of them will ever work!

It’s like building a castle on quicksand, it’ll never last.

If you’re taking notes, write this down:

Your brain needs proof not promises of you getting better!

You don’t become an avid reader by shouting affirmations, but by picking up a book every day. Going to the gym daily proves you care about your health and fitness. Always knocking things off of your desk proves you’re a cat… wait what?

You get the point.

This Simplifies the Equation!

Think about what your perfect self would do, and do that!

You’ll affirm your identity & it leads to you getting the results!


Remember that the quality of your life is ultimately going to depend on the quality of your choices. So by focusing on these solely, you’re going to change the entire direction of your life!

The 1-2 Punch Method

Is your present self getting in the way of your desired self?

Here’s a simple NLP technique you can use:

This application is something I’ve learned from Carlos Rodriguez.

There will be times when you feel a lot of temptation to do something that you know you shouldn’t. But how can you make the right choice? How do you make the choice that your best self would make?

Firstly, pause for a moment and close your eyes if you can (don’t do this if you’re driving or cutting up vegetables, please!).

Imagine that in front of you is the perfect version of you.

As soon as you’ve got a clear picture of your best version of yourself, imagine that version sucker-punching you. BAM! BAM! He hits you squarely in the face twice, knocking you out cold!

Next, imagine that your perfect self takes your place instead.

You are now your best self.

Step forward, leaving behind the weak self who was about to make the wrong choice. Instead, allow your best self to make the right choice.

Additional Resources for Making Better Choices
If you want to make better choices, have better decision-making processes!

Here’s one simple rule for making decisions. The key here is that it’s all about the state in which we make decisions. It’s a short 2-minute video that talks about emotions and the decisions you’ll make because of them.

How does luck play into our decisions? In this TED talk, Liv Boeree explains 3 lessons she learned from being a professional poker player. Spoiler alert: Your gut feeling won’t do in most cases!

Finally, this video will help you learn about the way our mind works. You’ll learn about cognitive biases that skew our decision making. These are systematic and affect all of us! Awareness is the only possible guard you have against them.

Taking Action to Be Your Best Self Today

We’ve been talking a lot about what it means to be your best self. And what it ultimately comes down to is making the same choices that your perfect self would.

How do you do that, you ask?

Firstly, it’s important to have a clear picture in your head of who your ideal self is.

  • What values do you live by?

  • How do you act under stress?

  • How do you deal with temptation (looking at you, Oreo!)

  • How are you around other people?

  • Which super hero best resembles you?

  • What does your daily life look like?

The more clear you can get on the ideal you, the better.

With that in mind, dive 1 level deeper and think about the actions that your perfect self would need to do in order to achieve this state of glorious perfection.

Got that?


The next step is self awareness.

We all tend to run on autopilot a large portion of the time. Being aware of your actions and when you’re slacking off is crucial. Otherwise you might just “happen” to find yourself on the couch with Netflix and KFC while you really wanted to “make this diet work this time”.

You cannot change direction without awareness!

Once you’ve brought things to your awareness, interrupt yourself. Ask yourself what your perfect self would do. Use the 1-2 Punch Method or try something else to snap yourself out of autopilot.

Instead, take the action you decided would be best right now.

Realistically speaking, will you be able to do this successfully 100% of the time? The answer is probably not… However, you’ll be able to make better choices today! And you’ll get even better over time!

I’ll leave you with this:

You are always, 1 decision away from permanently changing your life!

It’s the moment when you definitely say that enough is enough and you WILL make that change!

No more wishful thinking, it’s DONE!

Let TODAY Be That Day!